Monday, December 15, 2008

Man of Steel (GCGV4B) Adel

I followed the GPS coordinates and found myself at a spot that I would have passed every day while at uni! This is why I loved caching to begin with, it is like finding a new secret world.

Here is the area around where the coordinates are:

Now, the title is Man of Steel and so that steel box looked like a good candidate and I pretended to drop some coins so I could look under it. I couldn't see anything under there.

I checked around the phone booths (ie, at the top of the booth) but still didn't see anything. I thought that the booths would be a good idea as Superman gets changed in a booth.

I must have looked straight past it because I didn't find the cache. I might go on another day when I have a bit more time. Feel free to post if you know where it is, or email me

1 comment:

  1. Found it! Must have looked straight past it last time! I won't spoil it, but lets say that what I was thinking in my post was spot on, I must have just missed it.
