Friday, December 19, 2008

Vegetables (GCJGE7) Adel

I knew where this one was from the clue. My GPS was paying up though and the coordinates were not matching for some reason, but I could see from pics of other finds that I definitely was at the right place

I've aways liked this statue so was glad at the potential to find a cache here. Everyone must have been out for Christmas lunch, and considering that it was the last Friday before Christmas, it's probably not too bad of an assumption. It was muggle galore and so I could only "examine the statue" for so long and could only "drop some change" for so long before I had to give up.

As you can see, the peice had a metal log book in the apron and I was tempted to etch my name into that out of principle, but decided against it. I really thought ut would be under one of the crates or something and there isn't really too many clear hiding spots here, so I must have just missed it. Will try again another day.

1 comment:

  1. FOUND THE BUGGER!! Was VERY well hidden and blends right into the sculpture! So glad to find this one after many attempts!
